Our Story


Your Prescription for the Body, Mind & Soul



Rx bears a vision of bringing people together through the power of one cup of coffee. Our name pays homage to the sign that has been used by Doctors for centuries. It stems from the Latin word “recipe” which means "take” used to prescribe medicine and now represents the word “prescription”.



We are designed as a traditional Apothecary café with the infusion of modern café elements to be a local gathering place and a ‘creative’ coffee hub for a global community. We like to believe that we are passionately doing what we love, always learning and connecting people through the experience of culture, expertise, art and coffee.


We believe that coffee is a fuel of inspiration and innovation for our coffee community. Our glass bottles designed on our shelves express inspirational quotes from over 30 languages. We are who we are by the gatherings of all professions including doctors, artists, designers, business starters and leaders who all endorse the vision of “together we can achieve more”. In testament, we designed the upper floor in a modern setting fueling imagination to a creative workspace and a networking hub for the community. We support the social movement of making Dubai the happiest city in the world through radiating positivity, gratitude and motivational quotes in our take away cups and exuberant staff.


Rx believes it’s the moments that we remember and not the days; we ensure that every coffee we brew, every food we serve, every prescription we share nourishes your mind, body and soul, and reflects a personal moment of your own that you will treasure. Your #RxMoment.